Homecoming 2024

Date: October 18. 2024
Parade Time: 1:30 P.M.
Line-up: 1:00 beginning on Madison Street or Shipyard Road depending on your entry number
Route: The parade will commence north on Bay Loop Road, turn right onto Highway 20, proceed .2 mile to Kylea Laird Drive, ending at Freeport Learning Center.
Please complete the entry form and return it to Jessica Varner jessica.varner@walton.k12.fl.us no later than Thursday, October 17th at 12:00 P.M.

All students brining guests who are not FHS students, must complete a guest form and return it to the front office. Forms can be found at the following link:
All students attending the dance must adhere to the following dress code listed in the graphic.
2024 Homecoming Week